[Unit Project 2] How to shuffle for good mixing
Introduction When playing card games, the act of shuffling is essential. Shuffling is mainly done to prevent cheating. Card games are often played with strangers, especially at casinos and tournaments. Also, card games are based on a relationship of trust with your opponent. Therefore, it is necessary to shuffle correctly so that both players can play with peace of mind. On the other hand, if shuffled correctly, the game will unfold differently each time you play. By creating randomness in the game, you can have heated battles every time. Therefore, shuffling has the effect of guaranteeing the reliability of the game and making the game more interesting. When I first entered a trading card game tournament, I didn't know how to shuffle properly. To begin with, I didn't even know that there were multiple types of shuffle. So I told my opponent that it was my first time playing in a tournament and that I didn't know how to shuffle. Fortunately...